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Aletheia Anglican Academies Trust

Sixth Form

A warm welcome from Our

Head of Sixth Form

The choice of Sixth Form is one of the most significant decisions that parents, guardians and young people have to make. We are delighted you have considered Saint George’s Church of England School Sixth Form for future education.

At Saint George's, we are immensely proud of what we continue to achieve here. We have developed a reputation as a high-achieving school providing excellent outcomes for all students both academically and in terms of personal growth. We do have exceptionally high expectations of how our students behave, speak and present themselves. This is underpinned by our Christian values, our worship and school ethos.

Everyone who wishes to learn is welcome. We value our comprehensive intake including boys and girls believing that this best reflects the world we live in. Indeed, visitors most often comment upon the profound sense of community within the school. Our design for pastoral and academic mentoring ensures that we know all members of our community well which enables us to provide the appropriate support.

Our curriculum allows each student to realise their potential and achieve their very best. We want all students to have learnt new skills, to have developed their talents and with this a love of learning to make them confident, articulate, sensitive, and caring citizens for the future.

Miss M Pye - Head of Sixth Form

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